Hello all!
I don’t know about you, but I have a weird relationship with the month of January—always have, probably always will.

On one hand, I have the TV commercials, magazine covers, billboards, and all types of gurus screaming at me to LOSE WEIGHT, BUY THE WRINKLE CREAM, BOOK THE DREAM VACATION, SET THE RESOLUTIONS, KEEP THE RESOLUTIONS, BE WELL INTENTIONED, BE MORE AWESOME THAN LAST YEAR, BUY THE PELETON.

On the other hand, I have January’s soft, seductive whisper in my ear cooing at me to go within, “It’s cold, sleep in, take naps, slow down, hibernate a little, this is a time of stillness, sit by the fire, grab the coloring book, snuggle a little closer with those you love, have some tea, think, be softer, take your time, write, create, mimic nature.”

My internal compass resonates much more strongly with the month of January and the natural flow of the seasons than the human-created frenzy of January. So, I spend some time every year being at odds with myself.

Be still.
You should be doing more.
Take your time. 
I am falling behind.
Your soul knows.
But society says do it THIS way. 

I have been spending more time this month listening to the small, still voice and January’s seductive whisper. I have cut back on my teaching schedule, at least temporarily. I am spending more time creating and writing. I am doing slower, gentler exercise classes like Barre and pilates and yoga instead of kickboxing and the higher impact ones that wreck my joints. I am laying the foundation for what I hope will be a spike in my business and my connection with the community. I am spending less time online and more time alone with my thoughts.

It feels good. It feels right. May we all take strides this year to do more of the things that feel right with our souls. May we all spend more time listening to the small, still voice of our inner needs and deepest desires, and less time answering to the screechy should-dos of society.

Cheers to your inner voice,

woman must find her true center alone