Self Esteem Through Art's 3rd Annual Seaside Retreat with Soul
June 7-9, 2024 |Newport, RI
This retreat is entirely designed by women, for women. We’re weaving together something truly special for you this year! Join us in beautiful, picturesque Newport, RI from June 7-9 for our 3rd Annual Seaside Retreat for women (*optional bonus class on June 6). This is the place where women come to intentionally unwind, be creative, and share in the uplifting, transformative sisterhood that is forged during our time together. Space is limited—sign up today!
You Are Worthy
“Women need real moments of solitude and self reflection to balance out how much of ourselves we give away.” –Barbara De Angelis
Events like this are important. They are important from mental health and wellness standpoints. They help build our circles of like-minded people and help us connect with women of similar interests (and, we speak from experience when we say creative circles are the BEST circles). They help us take a step back from the busyness and the chaos of our daily lives. They give us opportunities to operate from a place of creativity and grace. They allow us to replenish, recharge, and re-prioritize—uninterrupted. Events like this are life changers, memory makers, and wellsprings of joy!
You are WORTHY and you are WORTH IT! Join us this year—space is limited.
Our 2024 Retreat Schedule
June 6-9, 2024
(*we may make some slight modifications as the event draws near)
Thursday, June 6
5-8 p.m.
“Nested Within”
(optional class, register separately)
With Jenn Pipe
“Nested Within” is a class loosely based on the history of Matryoshka dolls. In it, we will explore legacy, transformation, and the unity of body, mind, soul, heart, and spirit as we create unique, meaningful, and symbolistic representations of all the people we’ve been as well as the person we are working to become.
Friday, June 7
8:30-9 a.m.
Registration, Welcome, Light Breakfast
All Instructors
Sign in, pick up your swag, have something to eat, gather with old friends and meet new ones. This gives you time to take some deep breaths and center yourself before we get started with the day’s programming.
9 a.m.-12 noon
Wabi Sabi and the Art of Kintsugi
With Michaela Butterworth
Michaela is going to take us on a cultural and creative journey as she teaches us all about Wabi, Sabi, Kintsugi,and Chawan. She will weave the indispensible concepts of presence and flow throughout this artistic process, while simultaneously encouraging us to embrace our flaws and imperfections. Each project will be a symbolic, tangible, lovingly created reflection of our unique beauty and resiliency.
12-2 p.m.
Lunch Break
Lunch on your own
You will have the opportunity to do lunch on your own each day so you can experience some of the local cuisine and give yourself space to unwind and process the day’s events. It also affords everyone the chance to manage their own allergy and dietary necessities. Stay on the grounds, explore the beach, or head to one of the tasty local restaurants. Some of the best bonding last year happened over group lunches!
2-5 p.m.
Foraged and Found
With Kimberly McClure
You will explore the art of foraging and beachcombing in this creative experience. Together we’ll learn and practice ways of searching and seeing. With an artist’s eye, we’ll consider natural or discarded objects – finding delight in everyday things we may be inclined to otherwise to overlook. We’ll collect things that catch our eye for their texture, color, pattern, unexpectedness, or shape. During this process, and by giving our attention to the things we find, we may discover they gain significance, possibility or potential. This will be a two-part class and we will circle back with Kimberly on Sunday for the final segment.
7-8:30 PM
Optional Evening Gathering
With All Instructors
Our evening gatherings have been sources of comfort and tremendous joy. This is another opportunity to unwind, recenter, and simply BE. In the past, we’ve enjoyed charcuterie boards and sunsets and also had meaningful, memorable, and fun firepit circles. We are still planning the theme of this year’s evening event—we hope that after you’ve eaten, showered, or napped, you will make plans to come back to the retreat center to join us. This is definitely where an abundance of weekend magic happens!
Saturday, June 8
9 a.m.-12 noon
Following the Threads
With Wendy Aspinall
Our lives are filled with threads; threads that connect the people, places, and things that make up our wildly unique lives. Some threads represent the myriad people that show up in our paths. Some threads signify our memories and traditions. Still more threads are the colorful ideas and thoughts that fill our heads and (sometimes) turn into actions. Our stories are woven into the fabric of our lives. Some threads are stand-alones. Some are interwoven and deeply connected to other threads, thereby creating a strong foundation.
Join Wendy in discovering how all of your threads join together to make you the person you are today! You’ll spend the day weaving this symbolism into a meaningful art piece you will treasure for years to come.
12-2 p.m.
Lunch Break
Lunch on your own
You will have the opportunity to do lunch on your own each day so you can experience some of the local cuisine and give yourself space to unwind and process the day’s events. It also affords everyone the chance to manage their own allergy and dietary necessities. Stay on the grounds, explore the beach, or head to one of the tasty local restaurants. Some of the best bonding last year happened over group lunches!
2-4 p.m.
Following the Threads, Part II
With Wendy Aspinall
We will finish up Wendy’s afternoon segment and then segue into our special “word” project, which will be integral in our Closing Ceremonies on Sunday.
Sunday, June 9
9:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m.
Foraged and Found, Part II
With Kimberly McClure
Now that we’ve gathered our found items, it’s time to explore techniques for highlighting and arranging our collections to create a unique and artistic flatlay. Kimberly shares tips specific to photography on flat surfaces. A printed photo of your flatlay will serve as a keepsake and reminder of your time away…in creative good company, by the beach, in beautiful coastal Rhode Island.
11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.
Closing Ceremonies
With All Instructors
This is where we bring it all together and focus on the threads that we’ve woven through the entire experience. This segment of the retreat is part recap, part “what happens next,” and part celebration. It’s an integral part of the retreat!
This Year’s Instructors
Meet the Teachers

Wendy Aspinall
Owner of Bliss Angels Studio
Wendy Aspinall is a mixed media artist and Owner of Bliss Angels Studio. She is widely known for her slow stitching classes and loves to inspire others to find their artistic voice, one stitch at a time. Wendy has been on several design teams as a Contributor.
She is tea drinker and slow stitcher. She says she does yoga to stay young and clear her mind and she turns to art to fill her soul. She describes her self as Creatively Eccentric. Wendy feels blessed that she gets to do something she LOVES everyday and wants to inspire you to pull out your art supplies, get messy, and have fun.
Learn more about Wendy on Instagram (@blissangelsstudio) and on her Web site:
I had the pleasure of attending the first Self Esteem Through Art Seaside Women’s Retreat in 2022. Through self-exploration and art expression we gained a better knowledge of who we are as women on every level. I went with an open mind and heart and left with both overflowing. I’m looking forward to attending again this year! Dana, Indiana

Michaela Butterworth
Founder and Chief Creative Officer of Teal Hare Creations Studio
Michaela is an enthusiastic, playful mixed media artist and teacher from Sydney, Australia. She loves to share her passion, joy, and wisdom through her daily art practices, projects, classes, workshops and commissions. She believes that our creative process is a catalyst for personal growth, self-awareness, expansion, and transformation.
Michaela’s artistic style is bright, bold, saturated colors ,with high contrast. She loves to encourage her students and viewers to comfortably take risks, expand their skill sets, and grow courageously and confidently in their art as well as their lives. It’s her mission to help others rise up and shine whilst maintaining a sense of connection and community through their own expressive and creative practices.
Learn more about Michaela on Instagram (@aussiegrl154) and on her Web site:

Jenn Pipe
Founder of Self Esteem Through Art, Retreat Organizer
Jenn is a multi-passionate self-taught artist and business owner who started Self Esteem Through Art after a bad break-up with her corporate life. Jenn believes that expressive arts are an unparalleled personal growth tool and when we learn, we grow. She knows deep in her bones that when we engage in art and creative, introspective practices, we are accessing paths to untapped potential—art is a very potent avenue for self-discovery, personal growth, empathy, compassion, and so much more.
Jenn believes that regular, deliberate acts of creativity combined with honest self-reflection is what allows us to be the best possible version of ourselves. She loves bringing communities of people together and facilitating the bonds that naturally occur over creative pursuits!
Learn more about Jenn on Instagram (@selfesteemthroughart) or via this Web site:

Kimberly McClure
Beachcomber, Yoga Instructor, and Gatherer of Beautiful Things
Kimberly’s life is currently in the place where beachcombing, yoga, and creativity collide. This makes for a life that is always engaging, and makes space for imperfection, introspection, grace, and goodness. In art, and life, she is interested in ‘the process’—sitting in the middle of it, learning from and appreciating outcomes as they unfold. She values time walking beaches and forests, black coffee, dark chocolate, full easy breaths, plants and people. Since 5th grade art class, Kimberly has been inspired and intrigued by Vincent van Gogh…the expressiveness, movement, texture and earthy subject matter in his art and philosophical musings. Originally from Massachusetts, she now loves her full-time Rhode Island life.
You can find her at the beach (even on a cold or rainy day!) or, on Instagram @beachlarkingRI & @livelovelearn. Learn more on her Web site:
I loved everything about your Seaside Retreat—from start to finish your attention to every detail was impeccable. The quality and beauty of everything you did left me in awe and the day far exceeded my expectations. I know that you might not hear from everyone who attended, but the comments I heard during the event were overwhelmingly positive. Several women said that the day was the highpoint of their summer. Bringing a group of women together in this type of venue is very empowering. Thank you for this gift! Kathy D., Massachusetts
Retreat Location
125 acres, on a picturesque hilltop, overlooking the Atlantic Ocean
St. George’s School campus
372 Purgatory Road
Middletown, RI
What's Included, What's Not Included, and Refund Policy
This year, the retreat will be centered at our spectacular hilltop location with an almost panoramic view of the Atlantic Ocean from June 6-9, 2024. This retreat will offer up a deep creative well from which you can drink, authentic moments of wisdom and wonder, mindful curiosity, and an undercurrent of peace and groundedness. The threads we weave this weekend will allow us to connect deeply with our surroundings, our kindreds, and most importantly—ourselves. This retreat is a balm for your mind, body, soul, and creative spirit!
What’s Included:
- Three days (and approximately 22 hours) of lovingly curated instruction from a variety of teachers, instructors, and practitioners from across the country. (*Thursday night with Jenn Pipe is optional and limited to 20 registrants) Our instructors have more than eight combined decades of experience in their fields. Friday and Saturday will be full days and we will conclude our weekend midday on Sunday. (a $1300 value)
- Continental breakfast will be provided on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Light refreshments will be provided during the day. (a $125+ value)
- ALL of your art materials are provided (Did you know that a large majority of art-based retreats require attendees to purchase their own art materials? We don’t). You might be asked to bring some meaningful/personal items with you to incorporate into your projects. An email will be sent to attendees roughly two weeks prior to the retreat so you have time to plan. (a $300+ value)
- A welcome gift bag full of assorted items. (value TBD)
- Access to 125 acres of private land with spectacular ocean views and plenty of space to “get lost.” (value: priceless)
- Recommendations to some of the best tourist spots and off-the-beaten path locations from lifelong locals.
- We’re working with local businesses to secure some weekend discounts for our guests. More info will be included in your welcome packets.
- There is a private Facebook group that has been created for attendees. It’s a great place to learn more about the event and the area, meet the other people in attendance, and ask questions. A link to the group is sent upon registration. The connections made in this group, both before and after the event, are priceless!
What’s NOT Included:
- Lodging. You are responsible for securing your own lodging, but we will provide recommendations for local hotels upon request. There are also a number of AirBNB and VRBO rentals in the area.
- Why don’t you provide lodging? For a number of reasons. First and foremost, Newport RI is a premier vacation and wedding destination, and hotel prices run anywhere from $350 (for budget friendly chains) to $600 (closer to water and event venue) per night on a weekend at this time of year. Adding lodging to the package would double, if not almost triple the base pricing. We have found, through many years of running events, that often times people prefer to secure their own lodging. Some want to be closer to the ocean, some want a budget experience, some want to stay out of town and bundle in trips to other parts of New England. Some want hotels with restaurants included. Some are staying longer or are traveling with spouses/families and require different accommodations. Some attendees don’t even want a hotel…they want a cushy AirBNB for their group. So, we are doing what we do best—planning a deluxe, memorable retreat weekend—and allowing people to slumber in the place that makes the most sense for them.
- Transportation. Whether you drive, fly, take public transit, or secure taxis or ride shares, you are responsible for getting yourself to and from the retreat each day. Get creative. Share the load with a friend. You’ll also definitely want to explore the local area while you’re here, so transportation is a must.
- You will have the opportunity to do lunch and dinner on your own each night so you can experience some of the local cuisine and give yourself space to unwind and process the day’s events. Dining on your own allows you to work within your budget as well as accommodate any food allergies/sensitivities/cravings/preferences.
- Guarantees about the weather. June is typically a spectacular month in New England, but we want all of our guests to come prepared. This is a rain or shine event.
- Refunds. Retreats are a significant investment of time and money on the part of the organizers. We invest in you long before you even arrive at the event! As such, there are NO REFUNDS for this event—no exceptions. Each attendee will need to secure travel insurance on their own—this will give you peace of mind (and reimburse you for money spent) in the event that you are unable to attend. A simple Google search will point you in the direction of a number of reputable travel insurance companies. Again, we will not be offering refunds for this event—you need to purchase travel insurance and go through them in the event of cancellations.
- Last year, an attendee had to cancel last minute due to a family emergency. Thankfully, she had travel insurance and was able to recoup all of her expenses! She is currently registered for this year’s retreat and is so happy she will be able to join us!
A Glimpse of This Year's Projects
Wabi Sabi & the Art of Kintsugi
This journey provides you with the knowledge and skills to help you embrace your flaws and imperfections resulting in a unique reflection of your inner beauty and resiliency in your art.

(*updated project photos to follow)
Following the Threads
Wendy will teach us how all our threads join together to make us the people we are today! You’ll spend the day weaving symbolism into a meaningful art piece you will treasure for years to come.

Nested Within
In this thoughtfully curated class, we will explore legacy, transformation, and the unity of body, mind, soul, heart, and spirit as we create unique, meaningful, and symbolistic representations of all the people we’ve been, as well as the person we are working to become.

(*not actual project—updated project photos to follow)
Foraged & Found
Together we’ll learn and practice ways of searching and seeing. With an artist’s eye, we’ll consider natural or discarded objects – finding delight in everyday things we may be inclined to otherwise to overlook.

Get in Touch
Do you have questions about the event? Want some recommendations for lodging? Need additional clarification before signing up? Or do you simply want to share your excitement about joining us for this year’s event? Use this contact form to drop us a line. We look forward to hearing from you.
We are looking for sponsors for this year’s event! If you would like to sponsor meals or snacks, provide art supplies, donate items for our swag bags, or are a local business who would like to provide discounts for our guests we would love to hear from you. Please reach out via the button below!