Blog Archives August 2007 - Jenn Pipe & Self Esteem Through Art

Blog Archives August 2007

August 30th, 2007

My husband and I are brushing our teeth the other morning as we get ready for work.  I have a mouthful of toothpaste and he is just squirting a little blob onto his toothbrush.  He holds up his tube of Crest in front of my face and waves it vigourously from side to side.

Me: “What?!”
Him: “I’m almost out of toothpaste.”
Me: “So?”
Him: “Can’t you go pick some up for me?”

Um, how’s about you go out and get your own toothpaste, buddy boy? I don’t recall me asking you to zip right out the last time my hair spray was running on empty or my deodorant was at the end of its lifecycle. Geesh. Men.


It’s a Navel Idea…
Wednesday, August 29th, 2007

This could be one of my favorite photos from the summer. Lookit that belly! Is it the cutest thing you have ever seen, or what? Remember the days when a little pooch around the middle was cute?  When you didn’t try to suck it in when you were at the beach (and didn’t have to)? When you could just be carefree and innocent? When you could wear a hot pink polka-dotted bikini with your diaper hanging out and not give a second thought to cellulite?

Here’s to all types of bodies all over the world.  Especially cute little three-year old bodies at the beach.


















Overheard at Work the Other Day…
Monday, August 27th, 2007

Coworker #1: “So, are you going to work on your scrapbook?” Chortle. Snicker.

Coworker #2: “Aah, no. Who DOES scrapbooking anyways?!”

Um, I do.


Replacing Lost Content…
Sunday, August 19th, 2007

Hey friends.  I am gradually replacing all of the content that was lost during my transfer to a new server.  I wasn’t going to go back, but I had some great posts, some great pictures and it is killing me to not have that stuff on my blog.  So, as you are reading, go back and catch up from July 15 – August 16.  I am making slow but steady progress reworking the content and uploading the photos over again.  The posts won’t be verbatim to what they were, but they will be close.  And I will have peace of mind…which is really what this task is all about.


Technical Glitches
Saturday, August 18th, 2007

Ugh…sometimes I hate technology. During a transfer to a new server, somehow a bunch of my posts and a ton of my pictures got dumped.  So, despite the fact that I have been online and blogging regularly since August 2, there is no evidence of that on the site.  I’m pretty P.O.’d since I had a bunch of good material in there – info about inspiring friends of mine (and links to their blogs/businesses), photos from vacation, info about my upcoming scrapbook class, etc.  I don’t have the energy to recreate all that is missing – and I couldn’t if I tried since all of my supporting photos are lost as well –  so you will just have to look for new posts as I type them in. I apologize for the inconvenience (and for the whacked way a lot of my recent blog posts look).


Surrounded By Talent
Wednesday, August 15th, 2007

It just so happens that I am surrounded by a bunch of inspiring people.  People that are entrepreneurial, inspiring, genuine and hard-working.  People that make the time to do the things that make them tick.  It’s pretty cool that in an age of cookie cutter corporate cut-throats I have met some incredibly original people.

  • My friend Jan is a poet and I didn’t know it.  Seriously.  I have worked with her for 5 years and never knew she had a passion for words that went beyond her editorial day job.  Looking for some inspiration (and the occasional photos of her gorgeous family)? Check out her blog.
  • My boss, Jamie, has a six year old Autistic son.  He is a gifted musician who turned to his music to help him through a difficult time (and to raise awareness and funds for Autism).  His site and his lyrics will move you to tears and you will be inspired by his determination and his love for his son. He is an example of a person who makes the best of a very difficult, life-altering situation.
  • My relatively new co-worker, Leah, makes her own jewelry.  Stunning jewelry.  She wore one of her beautiful necklaces to work and I was hooked. Check out her site if you are looking for that perfect bauble or want to book a home party.
  • Speaking of jewelry, my friend Linda is a Silpada mogul.  She began her home-based business as a way to be a stay at home mom to her two beautiful daughters.  She is also a crafty little bugger who creates dried floral arrangements, sews, and does calligraphy.
  • Linda’s brother, Bill, is an up-and-coming painter. He does stunning landscapes and seascapes, creates wall murals, and is making a name for himself on the South Coast of Massachusetts. Check him out.
  • My sister is a photographer who recently relocated to California. She has a great eye for detail and has some breathtaking photos on her site. The site is under construction, but you’ll get the gist.
  • My mom, although site-less, helps with product development for this site.  She sews, paints, sketches, gardens and is an all-around craft goddess.


Save the Date!
Monday, August 13th, 2007

I am teaching another scrapbook class! Join me on Sunday, September 23 at The Franklin Mill Store in Franklin, MA.  The class is called “A Window to My World” and I am describing it as home decor meets paper crafting.  No need to keep your memories locked up in a dusty shoebox.  In this class, we’ll be creating a shadowbox from vintage windowpanes.  We’ll use patterned papers from 7Gypsies, some embellishments from Jenni Bowlin, and some of Heidi Swapp’s finest. More info to come.

I have to cap attendance to ten people, so register early! The class is $85 (supplies and window included) and I can take personal checks or credit card payments via PayPal. Contact me if you are interested or have any questions. The payment form and a detailed class description will appear on the site very soon.


Summer Camp
Saturday, August 11th, 2007

My oldest daughter just finished up 5 weeks in summer camp.  She made some new friends and loved every second of it.  When you are six years old and you spend the days swimming, playing with gimp, taking nature walks, fishing, boating, doing arts and crafts, and eating cafeteria food – what’s not to love?!

I never went to camp as a kid, so this was new to me as well. Admittedly, I was a bit nervous about this venture. Putting my child’s life in the hands of a bunch of teenagers (especially around bodies of water) makes me a bit nervous. But, I attended the Parent/Grandparent Day and my fears were laid to rest. Not to mention the fact that it’s a pretty good indicator when your kid comes home ecstatic at the end of every day. I mean, if she was getting wedgies every day, she wouldn’t be this excited, right?

The setting was truly idyllic.  Colorful sailboats in the pond, happy kids and counselors milling about, the sounds of laughter. It made me happy that my daughter got to experience something that I never did.  Happy that she is making new friends, trying new things, building her self esteem.  She will definitely be back next year – it was money well spent, in every sense of the word.


Lovin’ Me Some Nature
Thursday, August 9th, 2007

I love when my yard is awash in vibrant color. There’s just something about seeing the fruits of your labor blossom in front of your eyes. My husband and I spent a fair amount of time (and money) redoing our yard this spring.  We dug out a lengthy bed in our front yard and added some boulders to make a nice garden, planted a bunch of annuals, and we are now reaping the rewards.