Can You Fly in Your Dreams?

Can You Fly in Your Dreams?

The answer in next week's "I AM: Self-Esteem Through Art" class is a RESOUNDING YES! Melinda and I spent some time this week putting the finishing touches on the class, assembling the packets, creating our additional activities, and working on mock-ups. We totally...

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Things That Make Me Happy

Things That Make Me Happy

Keeping it light today with a little visual eye candy. I was inspired to look around and think about what makes me happy. What inanimate objects bring me the most joy? What are some of the things I could not live without? How about you? What makes your heart soar? I...

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Upcoming Class For Kids — Registration Open!

Upcoming Class For Kids — Registration Open!

Hey loyal readers, It's been a long time coming, but an idea I've had for a kids' art class has now come to fruition. It is called "I AM: Self Esteem Through Art." I am really looking forward to this. Being in the anti-aging business, I don't really get to interact...

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A Not-So-Fictional Fairy Tale

A Not-So-Fictional Fairy Tale

Once upon a time, there lived a Princess who was so filled with emotions. She laughed and smiled when she was happy, and also had an innate knack for filling her world with laughter even if she was very, very sad. She used humor to diffuse uncomfortable situations or...

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Leaving the Nest

Leaving the Nest

About 10 days ago, I was alerted to a bird's nest by my two children. The nest sits nestled away in a forsythia bush right outside my bedroom window. Since the bush is on the north side of the house (and is long past bloom), it does not get much attention. So, had my...

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Things I Love About You — A Photoblog

Things I Love About You — A Photoblog

You were perfectly pink on the day you were born, seven years ago. With your black tuft of hair, your kissable lips, and the broken blood vessel on the tip of your nose (that we can still see, if we look hard enough). I loved your sweet baby newness. Your warmth. Your...

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Fleeting Statements, Lifelong Impact

Fleeting Statements, Lifelong Impact

The memories of my childhood are sometimes spotty, and sometimes it will take a photograph or a detailed reminder from a family member to gently dust the cobwebs off of the recesses of my mind. Time has a way of doing that, of tucking away what were once your most...

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Ten years ago today, a week overdue, she came into this world. From her first breath, she was bright-eyed, alert, and eager to soak it all in. There was this sense of "knowing" about her (for lack of a better word), and it seemed like she was already very familiar...

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A Post About Being Bigger, Badder, and Bolder

A Post About Being Bigger, Badder, and Bolder

I, like many others, am a work in progress and I try to get better and better each day. One of my core values is that I try to leave people a bit better off for knowing me -- whether it be from a smile, a kind word, or a shoulder to lean on. I want to make a...

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Your Strong Five

Your Strong Five

There is no question that life provides ample opportunities for introspection and growth if your eyes (as well as your heart and your mind) are open. Be patient with me as I paint a picture for you this morning and provide you with a story (and a lesson) that I hope...

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