Join the Inner Sanctum!
When you first come to me as a client and a member, you will most likely be experiencing regular feelings of:
- Resentment. Perhaps it is because you gave up everything in order to have a family, but your spouse has sailed through relatively unscathed—keeping his career, his physique, his social life. Perhaps it has to do with your career, your children, your quality and style of life.
- Dissatisfaction. It wasn’t always this way, but recently you have very little to look forward to. Your social circle is shrinking and becoming more superficial and this lifestyle you are currently leading is eating you alive.
- Fatigue and Exhaustion. The mental load is crippling you. You have minimal support systems. Your kids, oh how you love them so, bleed you dry like nothing else—and you really had no idea it would be this way. Your life is an endless cycle of holding it all together (usually at the expense of yourself), managing all the loose ends, spending half your life in the car, and you have that glazed over look of someone who wants to pretend life is great when, really, you are coming apart at the seams.
- Loss of Identity. You died a slow death when you got the promotion, got married, had the kids, got the diagnosis, or lost a parent. That other person or thing became your predominant focus. It didn’t happen overnight. Yet slowly but surely, like lichen creeping across a wooden fence, you became Not You. You gave up your passions one by one. You started making excuses for why you could no longer find the time or the means to do the thing YOU love. But trust me—handing over your identity is NOT love. And, it will never feel good.
- Picking Yourself Apart. Your not-enoughness is eating you from the inside out. Your skin isn’t shiny enough. Your aren’t sexy enough anymore. You aren’t a good enough mother. You wish you had a career because what the hell did you go to college for? There’s never enough money, time, joy, laughter. You wish you had a hobby, a direction, a better way to pass the time.
You are searching for an elusive “something.” You are bored, frazzled, and spinning in emotional circles. You are lost and desperately want change, but don’t know which breadcrumbs to follow in order to get back to who you were meant to be.

- Imagine waking up each day feeling good about the day ahead of you.
- Imagine knowing you are an amazing mother and your connection to your children is deep and meaningful.
- Imagine that you are wildly in love with the man/woman you share your home and bed with.
- Imagine that you are tuned into your desires and your ability to create what you truly want.
- Imagine loving the woman you see in the mirror unconditionally.
- Imagine how it would feel to reclaim your spark and zest for life.
Now Is the Time!
For the past 11 years, I have coached and mentored women of all stages and walks of life. I help the meek find their voices. I help the inert learn how to take deliberate and effective action. I shift the blamers to personal responsibility. I help those with flat, passionless marriages find their spark again. By learning how to set boundaries, take action, change their self-talk, speak up, identify their goals and passions, and love themselves unconditionally, my clients experience powerful and lasting personal, professional, and parenting shifts.
I am an expert in working with SEEKERS and DOERS. You can’t want it and not want to work for it or TOWARDS it!
How Does the Inner Sanctum Work?
Imagine a safe, supportive place that will give you the tools you need to build healthier relationships, reduce stress, get ample self-care tips, boost confidence, enhance creativity, and live a life fulfilled! Our time together will be focused on:
- Mindfulness
- Boundary Setting
- Intention Setting
- Relationship Building
- Stress Management
- Self Care
- Using Our Voices in a Way That Gets Our Needs Met
- Creativity
- Conscious and Effective Parenting
- Thriving Instead of Simply Surviving
- Self Awareness
- Personal Responsibility
- and, Everything in Between.
You will receive exclusive access to a password protected area of THIS Web site. This will be your online classroom and learning environment—it is going to be the path that leads you back to YOU! You will visit the classroom to access the content library, view the modules, watch informative, inspirational videos, receive your plans of action, and get your monthly journaling prompts and creativity projects. As a member, you will have access to ALL of the content in the library for as long as you are a paid subscriber. The library continues to grow and be a trusted personal growth tool for all members! Join us!
Membership Details
THREE MONTH MEMBERSHIP ($497—a value of $1897):
- Valuable monthly content delivered via our online, password protected classroom. You will have access to a mix of personal growth tools, mentorship and coaching, solutions to real-world problems, parenting tips, informative videos, tips for decisive decision-making, boundary setting, and my unique approach of utilizing journaling and art-based empowerment.
- Access to our complete, growing content library (as long as your membership remains active and in good standing)
- Library includes learning modules, videos, art tutorials, journaling prompts, parenting tools and tips, and so much more!!
- Access to a private Facebook group where we can continue the conversations, reap the support of a like-minded community, experience extra accountability, and share everything from wins and losses to artwork and memorable moments (supplemental weekly prompts will be delivered in this group)
- If you are an active member and you want to truly catapult your growth by learning about your NATURAL aptitudes, I will offer you $100 off of the Highlands Ability Battery Assessment (a service I typically offer to private clients only!). The information revealed in the Highlands will allow me to identify a more highly individualized, custom plan for you.
- Please familiarize yourself with the membership terms before signing up for your membership.
Sign Up Today!
Familiarize yourself with all of the terms and conditions of membership before you continue. I take my committment to you very seriously and encourage you to do the same.
“I am in a much different place than I was when I first started working with you three years ago! When I am in the studio or in one of your online classes and I hear all the women’s stories of despair, it becomes clear how far I have come because I was in the exact same place a few years ago. I am so grateful for the work you did to help me get to this new place and mindset. Thank you for just being you.”
“I was initially not really sure what to expect when working with Jenn. Her enthusiasm, artistic creativity, and open heart are intriguing and infectious qualities that ultimately drew me in. The first few weeks we used art materials I had never used before while we explored meaningful and relevant topics through a combination of discussion, reflection, and art journaling. I didn’t realize how powerful art journaling could be as a personal awareness tool! For me, it opened up creative channels that had been quieted for too long. She attracts fabulous groups of women seeking similar creative channeling. I can’t wait for the next opportunity to learn from her!”
“Jenn’s combination of self-esteem, empowerment, and art is a game-changer for anyone who spends time with her! She has provided such a positive, warm, and loving environment for both my daughters and me. As a woman and mother of two girls, I am acutely aware that I lost my innate creativity somewhere along the way. I feel such a boost when I give myself “me” time with Jenn and explore my life in this artistic way.
As I watch my daughters grow and learn in the Self Esteem Through Art programs, I know Jenn is helping to give them tools that I never had as a child. They are handling themselves with such poise and confidence and are much more observant of the world around them than I was at their age. Jenn gives them tools each week to help them express themselves in a confident, authentic way. I am so grateful to have a partner outside of the house that is introducing and reinforcing these important messages.”
“I have been in traditional therapy for quite some time. No therapist has ever encouraged me in this way or given me the tools and strategies that you have given me. This is going to be life changing. Thank you!”