This episode of Areté Today is completely inspired by a small event that occurred on a recent trip to California to visit my sister. I am often inspired by everyday moments that spawn massive enlightenment and this is definitely one of those instances. Today’s recording pays homage to the burdens we carry around with us.

Areté Today, a PodcastThe hurts.
The slights.
The insecurities.
The anger.
The resentment.
The frustration.

We are all carrying around some things that we can quickly and effectively let go of. This podcast will show you how and lead the way.

There are a couple Tweet-worthy quotes in this episode that you will NOT want to miss. Also, this episode marks the unveiling of the new Intro and Outro for the Areté Today podcast…I can’t wait to hear what you think! I think Craig did a wonderful job and the recordings lend a heightened level of professionalism to this show that wasn’t there before!

There’s MUCH more information over in the expanded show notes. So, head over there and keep the conversation going — post some comments. Visit the blog, stay connected, subscribe, and most importantly – SHARE on social media. This Podcast is BY me, but it is FOR you…so let me know how you are enjoying it.

Until next time, keep laughing, loving, and learning and I hope to see you and/or your children in one of my upcoming classes or workshops.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!