All Out Art (Thursdays)


It has been TWO LONG YEARS! And it finally feels like we’ll be able to actually pull off in-person, after-school class, so we are going ALL OUT! We are going to experiment with ALL kinds of mediums, try ALL kinds of techniques, have ALL kinds of fun, and celebrate ALL the things! I’m envisioning this as an artistic explosion where we can utilize ALL the pent up creativity we’ve been holding on to, express ourselves with wild abandon, and be with ALL the people we have been missing since the pandemic started. I can’t wait to light up the CREATE sign in the studio, greet the kids after school, and continue fostering their love of artistic expression!

As exciting as it is to be heading back to the studio, it’s not the same world it was when we were last here and we have some registration requirements, so please read the FULL product description before signing up. We require that all students be *fully* vaccinated/boosted according to CDC protocols and proof of vaccination must be supplied by each attendee prior to arrival. There will also likely be a mask requirement and more info about that will be emailed to you prior to the start of the series. My safety and the safety of all the children that enter the studio is my top priority—there are no exceptions to this requirement. Additional details below. Your registration is confirmation that you have read, understand, and will comply with the guidelines listed.

*Class will run on Thursdays from March 24—May 19. Official class start time will be 3 p.m., but there are early before-care options for students who get out of school earlier. Class size will be limited. Registration closes on March 1, or when the class sells out. 


This is going to be an ALL types art class. We’ll work on a wide variety of projects using a wide variety of mediums each week. It’s a chance for the students to wipe away the creative cobwebs, experiment with both new materials as well as the materials they love the most, try new things, work on collaborative projects, and be together in a creative, cathartic environment.

Personal Growth Benefits:

This class is going to be an educational and artistic door-opener. The majority of us have been in various states of lockdown and isolation since March of 2020. It’s time to explore—how have we changed as creative beings over the past two years? How much have we grown? What did we learn about ourselves during the pandemic and how can we apply that new knowledge to our creative pursuits?

  • This class is going to be a beautiful blend of both left-brained and right-brained activities. Each week will focus on both cognitive and creative activities.
  • Art is a powerful community builder. It will be incredibly beneficial to be back in this space with a bunch of like-minded peers.
  • Artistic experimentation and creative thought go hand in hand. Kind of like peas and carrots.
  • Art is an unparalleled confidence-booster! Any time the girls can learn and practice a new creative skill, it dramatically improves their self-confidence and self-esteem.

What the Girls Will Love:

  • Disconnecting from stress, technology, and peer pressure while they focus on something FUN!
  • The empowering, judgment-free way they are encouraged to approach not only their time in class, but their time on their artwork. Both help to increase their sense of self and foster their creative spirits.
  • Developing their unique artistic style as we work on an assortment of fun, tactile, and unique projects.
  • Critical thinking, self-awareness, and abstract thought are huge parts of our weekly classes. The girls learn the power of sharing their thoughts and their art in a supportive environment.
  • Showing up as they are to immerse themselves in our creative and judgment-free environment! Exploring in this manner is so good for the soul!

Fine Print:

  • This EIGHT-week class will run on Thursdays from March 24—May 19. (*there will be no class during April vacation)
  • Class runs from 3—4:45 p.m. EST. (early care starts at 2 p.m.)
  • Classes will take place at the Self Esteem Through Art studio at 358 Woodland St in Holliston, MA
  • This class is open to all girls in 3rd—8th grade and participants from other demographic areas are welcome and encouraged to attend.
  • This class is age-appropriate and recommended for for girls in 3rd—8th grade.
  • Class fee includes art materials, instruction, emotional and artistic support, PPE when needed (like masks, sanitizers, etc).
  • Sibling discount available. Please message me for details.
  • You will receive a welcome email from me approximately one week before class starts with additional details.
  • Registrants to my classes are added to my email newsletter list. You will begin to receive sporadic Self Esteem Through Art emails.
  • When registering, you will be prompted to enter an email address and phone number. Please use your BEST contact info in these fields as this is how I communicate with you for the duration of the program.
  • If you have any additional questions, please reach out to me before signing up. Once you sign up, we have entered into a contract with each other.
  • By signing up, you have read, understand, and agree to comply with our covid policies. Students who cannot comply will not be allowed to remain in class and parents will have to pick them up. 
  • There are NO REFUNDS for this class and the class fee is not transferable, so please be sure you/your child can commit to all EIGHT weeks.  
  • Class size is limited to 10 girls (decreased class size due to covid). Registration closes March 1, or whenever class sells out.
  • Please contact us directly with questions.  

Additional information

Choose Your Start Time:

2 p.m. Early Care, 2:45 p.m.


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