Wheel of Life Master Class 2018


WE HAVE JUST GOTTEN STARTED, BUT IT IS NOT TOO LATE TO JOIN. WE ARE KEEPING THE DOOR OPEN FOR YOU! Women are loving the high-access coaching, the easy format, the flexibility, and the community! 
Beginning in January 2018, The Wheel of Life program is getting even BIGGER and BETTER! We are taking this online program from an introductory 8-week program to a very deep, explorative, informative EIGHT MONTH program! This is for the woman who is interested in quantum growth in all of the key areas of her life, for the woman who is willing to empower herself and hold herself accountable, for the woman who wants to feel MORE, BETTER, FASTER!

Each month, we will be embarking on a deep, detailed, empowering exploration of the following areas of our lives: Spiritual, Physical, Emotional, Social, Environmental, Intellectual, Occupational, and Financial. You can see an in-depth description of each area by reading the detailed information below. (*Do not register until you have read the detailed description below in its entirety. There are NO refunds for this program!)



Beginning in January 2018, The Wheel of Life program is getting even BIGGER and BETTER! We are taking this online program from an introductory 8-week program to a very deep, explorative, informative EIGHT MONTH program! This is for the woman who is interested in quantum growth in all of the key areas of her life, for the woman who is willing to empower herself and hold herself accountable, for the woman who wants to feel MORE, BETTER, FASTER!


In January of 2017, Jenn launched an in-studio program called The Wheel of Life. It was a seven-week program geared towards gaining clarity, making progress, and setting and reaching goals in each of the eight key areas of life. The class was a powerful combination of personal development and personal growth work, made even more potent with weekly exercises in mindfulness and art.

Fast forward to September 2017, Jenn wanted to rework the class and make it even more beneficial for the participants, so The Wheel of Life curriculum got an overhaul, Jenn added Eileen Kelly Vallatini from Body-Wise-Healing to the curriculum, and the class took place in an online format. Eileen is a registered nurse and an Eden Energy Medicine practitioner. The restructuring of the areas of the wheel as well as the addition of Eileen and her empowering energy medicine techniques made this program infinitely more robust and beneficial! Not only did the participants learn deliberate, proven personal growth techniques, but they got to engage in weekly mindfulness journaling exercises, participate in varied art projects, and partake in self-care and relaxation with an energy medicine routine specifically geared towards each week’s content. They also learned about the benefits and usage of essential oils to support growth and healing and received recommended reading to help support their learning.


As beneficial as the program and its content was, it was a very fast-paced environment for the woman who is juggling a career, children, and more, in addition to her own personal development work. We, as facilitators, couldn’t go as deep as we wanted for fear of overwhelming the participants. The participants sometimes fell behind and felt like they were playing catch-up. Despite the fast-paced environment, shifts were happening, doors were opening, and old ways of thinking and being were being released to make room for the becoming—the participants loved all they were learning and clamored for more!

There is only so much you can teach in a one-hour live video each week. There is only so much a busy 21st century woman can implement in seven days. We HAD to go bigger!


We created this WHEEL OF LIFE MASTER CLASS to go even deeper and to give all of the women an opportunity to delve in and do the work needed to create the quantum leaps we are teaching them how to take. By taking one month to go over each of the areas of the wheel, we are creating a win-win environment where we get to give the participants ALL the information they need and they, in turn, have plenty of time to absorb what we teach and then take massive action.


  • SPIRITUALITY: the ability to establish peace and harmony in our lives and the ability to connect to “source” (God, the Universe, the Divine, etc) while detaching from ego.
    • Do you often feel like you are unable to get to the place(s) where you feel most at peace? Do you ever feel a disconnect from your moral compass/integrity? Do you know what you feel like when in your preferred spiritual space/state? What about when you are not? Do you know how to get back there whenever needed? 
    • You will receive tools and strategies to help yourself get back to that spiritual place, tips to help you reconnect with feelings of spiritual connection (ex: peace, relaxation, self-love, and connection). We will help you get back in alignment and operate from a place of higher consciousness and awareness. 
  • PHYSICAL: the ability to maintain a healthy quality of life that allows us to get through daily tasks without undue fatigue or physical stress; also includes being free form disease and possessing a healthy body image).
    • Do you suffer from insomnia, disease, aches, pains, hot flashes and other age-related symptoms, body dysmorphia or body image problems, or hormonal shifts?
    • We will help you make a lasting connection between food and wellness, understand the role of genetics in your life, give you tips and tools to help decrease the often disruptive hormonal shifts in our bodies. We will go in-depth about the scientifically-proven connection between mindfulness/meditation and lowering stress responses. We will help you manage stress and identify stressors that are not yours so you can release them back to their rightful owner(s).
  • EMOTIONAL: the ability to understand ourselves and adequately and effectively cope with the challenges life can bring.
    • Some of the pain points in this area include overwhelm, guilt, shame, anxiety, depression, disconnection, sadness, and anger. 
    • We will teach you how to identify and triage your emotions, change your response to painful triggers and situations, release your unhealthy emotions and replace them with healthier alternatives, and remain in a state of calm. 
  • SOCIAL: the ability to establish and maintain positive relationships with family, friends, and coworkers.
    • As social beings, we can sometimes feel disconnected and misunderstood, we sometimes compare ourselves to others, we often absorb other people’s problems, and we have a hard time staying in our bubble so that other people don’t get to us. 
    • We will teach you how to stay in your personal power and control, nurture your relationship with yourself, establish healthy boundaries both with yourself and others, and experience greater levels of joy, peace, and contentment. 
  • ENVIRONMENTAL: the ability to understand and accept responsibility for the quality of the air, water, and land around us.
    • There are so many ways we experience the ill effects of poor environmental health: climate change, Lyme disease, litter, overdevelopment and crowding, poor air and water quality, extinction, etc. We have to start asking ourselves how our disconnection from the environment is affecting our health. 
    • We will discuss the differences between nature and nurture, work to help you get grounded and reconnect to the environment, talk about the benefits of going barefoot and exposing ourselves to safe amounts of sunshine, and educate you on the many health benefits of being good stewards of the environment. 
  • INTELLECTUAL: the ability to open our minds to new ideas/experiences which positively benefit personal decisions, group interaction, and community betterment.
    • Do you or someone you love suffer from learning disabilities, scattered thinking, forgetfulness, or cognitive and degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s or dementia? Do you ever feel like you are not challenged or stimulated intellectually? 
    • We will work with you to keep the power centers of the brain active and healthy, help you feel more fulfilled as you begin to utilize your intellect in new and different ways, and help you calm your monkey mind and get more focused and deliberate with your thoughts. We will discuss the difference between EQ and IQ and why they are important. 
  • OCCUPATIONAL: the ability to get personal fulfillment from a job/chosen career while maintaining life balance.
    • Are you feeling dissatisfied with your job or are feeling stuck in a place where you don’t know what comes next? Have you taken time off to raise children? Do you find yourself wondering who you are and what you are good at? Are you feeling unfulfilled? Trading time for money? Living paycheck to paycheck? Do you have fears and insecurities around income stability? Do you feel stressed? Are you unclear what your passions are and what your life purpose is? 
    • We will work with you to help you identify your “sweet spot” and your purpose. We will give you tools designed to reduce your stress levels and the emotional wear and tear that accompanies uncertainty. We will differentiate between should and must and teach you why that is critically important in life and business. The ultimate goal of this section is to give you the tools needed so you can tap into your authentic selves and make some powerful shifts. 
  • FINANCIAL: the ability to have a positive relationship to money and the ability to save for life’s expected and unexpected moments.
    • Do you know the value of your time and expertise? Do you trade time for money? Are you living beyond your means? Do unexpected “financial emergencies” happen frequently in your life? Can you identify how your money story and your relationship to money is impacting you? 
    • We want to work with you to educate you on the ties between self-esteem, boundaries, energy and money! We will help you shift your mindset and self-talk around this sensitive area of the wheel. We will give you effective tools and tips for opening yourself up to abundance and a healthier money story. 


This is an online class that will be held in a PRIVATE Facebook group. This allows participants to join in from just about anywhere in the world and it eliminates the need for each participant to purchase any apps or software in order to to tune in. Even if you don’t actively participate in Facebook, it is easy enough to create a free account and tune in for the classes alone. Once the class is over, you can easily deactivate/delete your account. Facebook is also widely available across all types of technology: PC and Mac computers, iPads and tablets, and both Apple and Android phones.

Our online meeting schedule will be as follows:

  • Jenn and Eileen will do a live broadcast together on the first Wednesday of each month at 9 a.m. EST. (If you are not able to tune in live, you can easily watch the replay)
  • Eileen will also do an individual live broadcast on either the 2nd or 3rd Wednesday, where she will do a deeper dive into all things energy medicine and  wellness.
  • Jenn will broadcast individually on either the 2nd or 3rd Wednesday as well to share even more personal growth and development tips and tricks, give an art overview, and work on additional mindfulness tools.
  • The final Wednesday of each month will be a “free” week where there is no live content, but you have the ability to ask questions, implement what you have learned, and catch up on any content you may have missed.
  • You will receive a wide assortment of PDFs and files that are downloadable.
  • The videos are also downloadable and perfect to refer back to until you are on the path to mastery.


  • TWO ADDITIONAL LIVE VIDEOS PER MONTH (for a total of 24 videos)
  • Recommended reading each month to support our learning
  • Additional mindfulness exercises and activities
  • The opportunity to book individual one-hour coaching sessions with both Eileen and Jenn (at additional cost)
  • Art tutorial videos where you can work along with Jenn to create specific projects.
  • A better understanding between the left brain/right brain connection and why that is important to overall health and well-being
  • Even more journaling prompts designed to catapult you into your new way of thinking, being, and growing
  • Exploring the basics of energy – the meridian system, aura, and chakras – and how they relate to each aspect of the wheel
  • A robust introduction into the Five Elements (Five Rhythms, Five Rotations, Five Seasons). As early as 3000BC, this was the basis for understanding how the world works, how societies organize themselves, and what the body needed to maintain health. It is often used by healers as a body of work for appreciating human character, temperament, cycles, and illnesses. Eileen will provide an understanding of these rhythms and teach you techniques for bringing greater balance among the five rhythms within your own life.


“Journaling has proven to be a great way to organize my thoughts. Art has become a pathway to realizing what I need to release and what I WANT to keep. The Energy work has helped me both physically and emotionally let go of junk ( definitely blockages) that I have been carrying around with me for a very long time. I am not feeling the painful sting I was feeling in the same way. It is a fantastic feeling. I know I still have a long way to go—but I feel ready. Progress, not perfection, will get me through. I feel like I have packed a whole suitcase full of new tools in my emergency tool kit!”


“This class has been a revelation in many ways….just what I needed!”


“This has truly been a journey of exercising our minds and bodies, both. The thought provoking words, the stretching and mindfulness of the energy work, the art. I feel like a wet towel that has been squeezed and I have subsequently have wrung out a lot of junk!!!”


“We are all in different spots along this journey, but I have to say that by writing, “arting” (*new word) and practicing the energy techniques has been really impactful for me. I know I have said it before, but these Wheels are really bringing my thoughts and my focus full circle. Thank you!”


“We have received so many little gems in the content given to us each week. This weekend my husband helped me get my permanent art space set up—a table, chair and a bookcase that now is the home of all my supplies. I am excited to not have to put things away in a bin and love having a small space that I can go to anytime. I actually feel stronger in my home. Looking forward to Wednesday’s session!!”


“The energy exercises have helped me in so many ways! I have noticed a definite benefit to my GI issues by doing those particular thumps regularly.”


“I was scared to death to do this, for many reasons, but when I jumped in last minute I told Eileen that I was going to dedicate 8 weeks to giving it my all. I may still question how my words sound and how my art looks sometimes, but for the first time in my life, I am okay with it all. I’m being real and I AM FEELING AGAIN. I have learned that I shut down my feelings for such a long time. I went through the motions, I played the game, but no one saw that I felt numb. The journaling, the art, the energy….and mostly…the being able to write whatever I needed to without being judged started to let me feel how it felt to be ME! I just have to thank Jenn and Eileen for running this group. Without it, I would not be where I am right now. I am accepting where I am RIGHT NOW and will continue to use all of these wonderful tools to stay here, grow here and continue on to the next phase.”


“I love the positive spin you put on this Wheel. The four things you gave us to identify and think about are really powerful, thought provoking tools. Digging deep and exploring the things you love, the things the world needs, and that which you can be paid for and are good at is both challenging and exciting. Lots of thought is going to go into these this week!”


“Each week, I feel like I am looking at things, both past and present, in a new light. I was not really looking forward to this week as I thought Intelligence could be a really weak Wheel for me. I have to say, right from the beginning of the Mindful Minutes talk, I was surprised and encouraged. I have never really thought about about Emotional Intelligence very much before. It made me feel really good as I look back, over many years, to see how I have dealt with a lot of situations I was faced with. Intelligence isn’t scaring me as much anymore, but motivating me to keep seeing and understanding a little clearer.”


“It’s like each week has brought me to a better place so I can fully take in the following week. I am so excited to be in a situation where I am learning. My husband and I recently a nice discussion where he shared his thoughts with me, which was HUGE because he is not one to talk about feelings. I am starting to see the positive impact of this journey on my relationships.”


  • *WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR: Women who are ready to be here, women who are ready to do the work, women who are ready to step outside of their comfort zones and be supported while they do so. Women who understand that action is what produces results.
  • *WHO IS THIS COURSE *NOT* FOR: Women who are placing limitations on themselves and trying to talk themselves out of being here for various reasons (I don’t have the time, I don’t have the money, I am not an artist, I have never done an online course before, I don’t know what energy medicine is and I am not open to learning).
  • This series will run for EIGHT MONTHS, from January 2018 through August 2018. Please see info above for class flow and what is included.
  • YOUR COACHES: Jenn Pipe is a certified coach in self esteem elevation and has developed a unique art-based empowerment program for women and girls. She has created a space where empathy meets empowerment, authenticity meets ambition, confidence meets creativity, and bravery is considered totally bad-ass. Eileen Vallatini is a  is a registered nurse with over 30 years experience and a certified practitioner in Eden Energy Medicine, Reconnective Healing, Tong Ren Healing, and Reiki. She embodies what it means to be a physical, emotional, and spiritual healer.
  • You will have unlimited access to a community of like-minded women who can be an additional source of support and love.
  • You can be assured of complete and total confidentiality in a judgment-free environment. What happens in the classroom stays in the classroom.
  • This course will be delivered via a combination of Facebook live videos, Zoom conference calls (broadcast in Facebook), and a private Facebook group for members only.
  • You WILL need access to Facebook to be a part of this course. That is non-negotiable and content cannot be viewed by any other means.
  • You may book additional 1:1 mentoring/support sessions with Jenn and Eileen. These sessions are NOT included in the class fee and and can be booked at an additional, discounted rate.
  • The LIVE videos will take place Wednesday mornings at 9 am EST. However, you will be able to watch the videos, download the course content and handouts, and participate ON YOUR OWN TIME. Access to the Facebook group is unrestricted and content will remain in the group until mid-September 2018.
  • All attendees will be sent a welcome email and given access to the Facebook group before class begins on September 20. Please make sure we have a valid email address on file (You can register your email address on our home page.) You will also need an active Facebook account.
  • *There are NO REFUNDS given for this course. Please be sure you can commit before you sign up. 
  • *Once you register, you will be sent a detailed contract that you will be responsible for signing prior to the start of the series in January 2018. 
  • We will make a payment plan available for anyone who needs it. Please contact Jenn for additional information and the payment plan contract. 


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