I’ve got some good news and some bad news for you today.

☯️ The good news is you CAN have it all. 
☯️ The bad news is you can’t have it all AT ONCE (and probably not in the same day).

I had this whimsical magnet that hung on my fridge for years. It read: “It’s either me or the house. We both can’t look this good.” Humorous, but true. I can only be in one place, doing one thing well at a time. So, I constantly take stock of RIGHT NOW and I make choices. Because, I can have it all…but not all right now.

We have to prioritize. We have to recognize that priorities are living, breathing entities that morph and shift. I have different priorities on a Monday than I do on a Saturday. My summer priorities differ from my autumn ones. The school year looks completely different from the off-season. My studio priorities are different from my home ones. I have to know what my non-negotiable priorities are at all times (my marriage and my children). I have to know when and where to say no so I can say yes—and vice versa.

This is a simple concept, but not easy to implement. If you want to know what this looks like in practical, real-world application—I cover this, as well as a bunch of other concepts that can relieve stress, decrease anxiety, and have you on a more joyful, fulfilled path in my membership group.