This week, we continued our girls’ Animal Magic classes with some very robust discussions about ELEPHANTS. The girls are loving the format where we start with a series of “clues” and they get to try to guess which animal/insect/creature we are going to be talking about next.

These were the clues the girls received this week (would you have known we were talking about elephants?):

  • These creatures function as a matriarchal society, with the oldest living female running the tribe.
  • When a matriarch is older than 35 years old, the entire tribe has a much greater rate of survival.
  • These animals remember their dead and have been known to visit the burial sites of their deceased family members in order to mourn and honor them.
  • These animals are very empathetic and will come to the aid of creatures that are hurt or in danger. Even if it the animal is a different species.
  • Despite living as part of a tribe, this animal can recognize themselves in a mirror. So, they know they are a part of something larger, but they are able to identify themselves as a singular entity.
  • These creatures do not tolerate bullying. If a calf is caught bullying another member of the herd, it is immediately reprimanded. There is a zero tolerance policy for bullying or cruelty among this species.
  • These animals are able to remember the faces of humans and animals they have met in the past. Even if years have passed, they will remember you.

In exploring the elephant characteristics, we were able to discuss how humans can learn more about empathy, valuing females, encouraging females to be leaders, kindness and compassion, individuality, and speaking up for what you believe in. I was so impressed with the girls’ insight!! This is experiential learning at its best!

They also continue to impress with their incredible artwork and the compilation of their books. I love all of the work we do in the studio, but this is shaping up to be a favorite for sure.

I am now booking private events and classes for the summer months. If you want to hold a custom birthday party, work on a girl/boy scout badge, or have a girls’ or boys’ night out for your child and a group of his/her friends, this is the time to reach out to me before my calendar fills up. Parent/child classes are another favorite during the slower summer months—connect with your child over a meaningful and memorable art project! Contact me for more information and to reserve a date.

Keep creating!