Will You Partner With Me To Be the Change Our Kids Need in 2020?

One of the things that keeps me up at night is the social, emotional, and psychological abuse that our kids experience at the hands of other kids. What I am about to say is really important and I am asking for your help.

The suicide rate in children ages 10-14 has almost tripled in the past 10 years. Did you know that? SUICIDE! In 10 year-olds. Our kids are feeling so much hopelessness and despair at age 10, that they are taking their own lives! Let that sink in.

I see these behaviors and the impact the behaviors have on our children every single day. I am working with anxious and depressed kids who don’t want to leave their rooms or go to school anymore because they can’t escape the mistreatment of their peers. I am counseling and consoling 3rd graders who have experienced social exile at the hands of a ruthless classmate. I am coaching my own daughters on how to deal with, process, bounce back from, and rise above the unkind (and often vile) behavior of other girls while simultaneously helping them navigate overt sexual harassment from boys. Trauma. Online bullying. Rumors. Gossip. It’s not new, but it sure as hell is different—amplified, even! Technology has perpetuated these problems and the growth of technology has vastly outpaced our growth as people. I think it’s time to admit that we didn’t really think all of this through.

These are MONUMENTAL issues that are having devastating consequences, and one class in my studio a week and/or a couple private coaching sessions a month are often not enough. Being in a supportive environment 3-4 times a month for a couple hours is a lifeline. It’s a much needed start. It’s a positive influence. But more can be done. More can always be done.

🗝No kid gets out of adolescence unscathed, but wouldn’t it be nice to effectively help your kids feel empowered in the face of adversity? If you are feeling like you want to be part of a paradigm shift, I would love your help.

🗝 Wouldn’t it be beneficial for you AND your kids to be able to act like a united front? To have effective strategies and tools that would help you navigate, learn from, and SURVIVE these devastatingly MRSA-esque 21st century assaults, where the poison is eating our kids away from the inside out? If you want to be a part of the solution, I would love to have you join us.

🗝Can you envision the overwhelmingly positive benefits that would flow from a well-oiled top-down and bottom-up strategy that focuses on emotional intelligence, character development, intersectionality, and iron-clad problem-solving skills? Wouldn’t you love to be able to effectively and efficiently open the lines of communication and get your kids the help and resources they need much more quickly? If you want to contribute to this (as yet undefined) passion project of mine, I would love to have your input.

I work in this environment day-in and day-out. I am immersed in it. I live it. I do so much work for the cause already. But, it’s time for more. And better.  It’s time for a more all-encompassing paradigm shift that is easily accessible, affordable, and flexible enough to address the needs of all of our children. I have a little motto that I use from time to time, “Leaders don’t complain, THEY CREATE.” It’s time for me to get to work and create something for a much larger audience that pairs tried-and-true solutions for this specific set of challenges.

I want to be completely up front: I have no idea what this looks like yet, but I do know that I want it to be a major focus of my time and attention in 2020. The time is now!

How You Can Get Involved and What Is Expected:

This is where you come in. I envision this, at least to start, being part focus group and part mastermind group. I want it to be an exchange of information and energy where you get access to the best of my expertise and I also get your feedback so I can really understand what the pain points are. I am envisioning something magnificent and empowering arising from all of this. And, I am envisioning you having a part in its creation. Maybe the end result is a book. Or a membership group. Perhaps an online class or series of classes. I can also envision a certification program or a train-the-trainer program.

I don’t have all the pieces figured out yet, but one thing is certain: I am counting on YOU to help me create it. I truly can’t do it without you.

If you think you would like to participate and be an active part of this community, please sign up with your email address. This is the data-collection phase and once the wheels start to turn, you will be the first to get notified (and you can decide if you want to stay on the bus or get off). I do want to place emphasis on the fact that this will be an active process and not a static one. You are going to be called upon to share. You are going to be asked to take action. I am going to be looking for your feedback and perspective on specific things. You are going to also receive a lot of beneficial information from me that will be of use to you in your own life and the lives of your children.

*PLEASE NOTE: This content cannot be created from an echo chamber. Because I both want and need a wide range of unique perspectives, this group is open to anyone. These are multi-dimensional, multi-generational, and multi-faceted challenges that permeate all cultures and they must be faced through a lens of intersectionality. With the focus on intersectionality, we can actually solve the systemic problems, not replace one problem with another, or just work on the issues closest to our own hearts. The work of this group will be done with a focus on honesty and authenticity, confidentiality, safety, and empathy. If that doesn’t sound like you and you think you might have challenges listening to a wide range of perspectives and opinions, please be honest with yourself (and me) and know that this group might not be for you.

Thank you in advance for your trust, your candor, your stories, and your valuable input.
Let’s do this!