Last December, I was saying goodbye to my 2018 word of the year (enrich) and reflecting on what I wanted my 2019 word to be. I can’t remember whether or not 2019’s word came to me easily, but I can tell you that it is has become one of my favorite words of the past thirteen years and I turned to it over and over and over again these past 365 days.

One of the things I do remember about December 2018 was a deep longing to get away and spend some time completely by myself. I think that’s part of the reason EXPLORE bubbled up to the surface—I wanted to explore new ways of incorporating silence, creativity, and connection into my life.

EXPLORE led me to a favorite new tradition: my trips to the Getaway cabins. The first time I went was for a peaceful, creative, off-the-grid retreat. I wrote in my journal, I read books, and I made lots and lots of art. I didn’t speak to a soul for over 36 hours and I loved every second of it. It was so cathartic, so restorative, and so peaceful—so much so that I committed to take myself away like this at least twice a year. My next trip to the cabins was with my husband for our anniversary, and let me tell you, nothing (re)connects you to your spouse like time in nature combined with the absence of cell phones, streaming tv shows, and computers. My third and final trip was a business planning session. I mapped out goals, brainstormed course ideas, and rested. It was so good for the soul. All of it.

2019 definitely had its high points, but it wasn’t all rainbows and glitter. Somewhat out of necessity, EXPLORE became my trusty companion in love, life, business, and parenting. When I experienced disappointment and frustration in business, EXPLORE encouraged me to persevere and look for new ways to make things work (new business coach, new professional and creative mentors, enrolling in new courses to keep moving forward). I found myself knee-deep in a pretty challenging parenting year and I had to EXPLORE different ways of connecting with, disciplining, and supporting my children. I also found myself more deeply exploring some of my own shortcomings and connecting the dots on how those shortcomings impact the people I love and share a home with. This beautiful, simple word encouraged me to pivot, to plan, and to consistently put one foot in front of the other. It held me. It guided me. It supported me. Honestly, I fell in love with my partnership with this word and I am sad that our time together is coming to a close.

I adore how these words have an effortless, loving way of nurturing, guiding, and opening you to all kinds of possibilities. Definitely a favorite yearly tradition of mine. I’m looking forward to gently and intentionally transitioning to my 2020 word. Who knows? Maybe EXPLORE can stay on as an understudy for another year, especially since we got along so well.

Cheers to a new year and a clean slate. Let’s make it count.