Observation: our American-ness is showing right now. And it’s kind of gross.

We have people stockpiling supplies for the end of days, not giving a shit about people in the community who might actually NEED those supplies (aka first responders, hospitals and doctor’s offices, people with compromised immune systems, etc). Who the hell needs 200 rolls of toilet paper? Or enough Purell to disinfect an entire 3rd world country? It’s selfish and unnecessary.

Then we have people thinking this is a big joke and are determined to flip a big middle finger at science because they don’t want to be the slightest bit inconvenienced in order to potentially halt the spread of a pandemic we know very little about. We should probably check our privilege a bit and recognize that a concerted effort from ALL Americans is needed to halt the spread (and flatten the curve) of this virus.

The fact of the matter is that there is likely not a family or corporation in America that won’t feel repercussions from this in one way or another—it’s already happening. Some will get sick, some will lose profits and income (small businesses owners like me will get hit hardest and will take longest to recover), events will get canceled, some people will rack up exorbitant medical bills that they may or may not be able to afford, some won’t be able to get hospital beds to get the care they so desperately need, some will have no safety net or sick time or daycare. We will be expected to be flexible and fluid and learn to live in this “new normal” until things level off, we learn more, and we have more resources in place.

What I hope also happens amidst the unknown:

🌎 I hope we start to recognize that people the world over experience this kind of panic, and worse, on a daily basis. Our fears of not finding any 2-ply on the grocery store shelves pales in comparison to what the homeless face every day and what people in war-torn countries go through. May we find compassion for others. And may our egos take a back-seat.
🌎 I hope the general public stops spreading memes and misinformation on social media. And, maybe spends more time listening to the experts in the CDC, the World Health Organization, and medical professionals. Those are the ONLY status updates that should be in newsfeeds, not people posting about someones 3rd cousin’s uncle’s sister’s husband who is an “expert” overseas in something or other.
🌎 I hope people start recognizing that the US does NOT have many of the safety nets that other countries have. We have subpar sick-leave policies, a republican congress who just voted AGAINST helping the little guy when all is said and done, and kids who will go hungry if school gets canceled, among other things. Collectively, we will suffer as a result. How badly remains to be seen.
🌎 There are a lot of people who are having to make REALLY difficult decisions right now. People who are in charge of businesses and global corporations, institutions (museums, airlines, and concert halls), schools and colleges, governments, and people in charge of youth, college, and professional sports. Those people are in no-win situations as they try to figure out how to respond to this crisis responsibly; knowing that people will be hurt in one way or another regardless of the decisions they make. May we extend all of them grace and keep everything in perspective as things evolve with this coronavirus outbreak.
🌎 I hope our government gets its shit together and the walking cesspool in the White House can shut his mouth so that the people who REALLY know how to curb a pandemic and put the appropriate infrastructure in place can get their message out swiftly and effectively.
🌎 May we all do what is right and in the best interest of the greater good, both individually and collectively.

Stay calm amidst the chaos. Be prepared but not panicked. Choose your information wisely. Stay home if you’re sick. Recognize that it’s not the end of the world if Suzy has to attend online school for a while (unless she is one of the kids who has no idea where her next meal will come from), Joey misses a basketball tournament or can’t play his spring sport, and you can’t jet off to your vacation home in Tuscany.

Let’s acknowledge that good, bad, or indifferent, we are all in this together. And, please, wash your damn hands and stop touching your face.