The easy thing is usually *not* the right thing.

👉 It’s the easy thing to leave your trash all over the beach after a day of fun in the sun. But it’s not the right thing.
👉 It’s the easy thing to not quarantine or wait in long testing lines after you’ve traveled out of your demographic area, or after you have been potentially exposed to covid. But it’s not the right thing.
👉 It’s the easy thing to chuck your beer cans, your fast food garbage, and your cigarette butts out the window onto the side of the road. But it’s not the right thing.
👉 It’s the easy thing to not pull a mask over your nose. But it’s not the right thing.
👉 It’s the easy thing to try to put a band-aid on the symptom instead of tending to the root cause. But it’s not the right thing.

Every day, we are faced with countless scenarios where we can choose to do what’s easy or what’s right. Where we can choose to think small or see the big picture. Where we can pick the “I” or gravitate towards the collective “we.” Where we can be a shitty, feckless human or have integrity and a moral compass.

These choices add up. They have a compound and lasting effect. And, whether we want to acknowledge it or not, both people and the planet are paying the very high price for every single “easy” choice that is made each and every day.