Well, here we are. Unified at last, because there is one common enemy we are all trying to protect ourselves from.

🦠You can’t marginalize or dehumanize this virus.
🦠 COVID-19 doesn’t care who you are or how much money you have.
🦠 It doesn’t care how old you are, what gender you are, what your sexual orientation is, what god you pray to, or what color skin you have.
🦠 It doesn’t care how strong your military is. You certainly can’t mobilize the troops to invade this virus, or throw grenades at it, or shoot it with your automatic weapon.
🦠 You can’t build a wall to keep it out.
🦠 You can’t deny science right now because science is literally the ONLY thing that can dance toe-to-toe with the virus.
🦠 This virus is mutating already, inviting the best and the brightest to step up to the plate. There is no room for divisiveness, finger pointing, or sophomoric ways of thinking and being.

When all is said and done, will humanity have morphed and mutated for the better? Will we remember our unity and our shared humanity? Will we be there for each other and look out for each other? Will we mobilize for people in danger and continue to help our fellow man, even if they don’t look like us or love like us, or share the same beliefs we do? Or, will we rapidly regress into old habits, old thought patterns, and old ways of being…just like we have after every other global crisis since the beginning of time? Will we stick with the omnipresent “me” or can we finally set our sights on the collective “we?”

As things get curiouser and curiouser and more nebulous by the day, I guess it remains to be seen….

#teamwe #coronachronicles #weareone #weareallconnected #thisvirusdoesntdiscriminate #weshouldnteither #beabetterhuman