Gimme Some Space!

Gimme Some Space!

A couple weeks ago, I asked the people closest to me for some space. The world is a noisy place and, for me, space = clarity. Plus, even though you would never suspect it, I am 40% introvert and being away from everyone and everything from time to time is how I...
Being a Human Is Hard

Being a Human Is Hard

I’ve been feeling some pretty big feelings lately. When I share that, it has a tendency to make a lot of people uncomfortable because my circle and the people I serve are used to my default settings, which are:  ♦️Happy Jenn,  ♦️Find the Silver Lining Jenn,  ♦️I...
Notes From the Garden

Notes From the Garden

I lived in the city growing up, in a top floor apartment above my paternal grandparents. Our yard was 2/3 concrete, but my mother made the other 1/3 look like a lush, verdant paradise. She had a square garden alongside the driveway, couldn’t have been more than...