Marking Time and Massive Changes

Marking Time and Massive Changes

I've spent the past 22+ years marking time by what's happening in my yard. I have these daffodils that grow along the foundation in the front of my house. They typically start to shoot up out of the frozen ground by early February, aided by full-day sunshine and the...

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Unified At Last (Coronavirus Chronicles)

Unified At Last (Coronavirus Chronicles)

Well, here we are. Unified at last, because there is one common enemy we are all trying to protect ourselves from. 🦠You can't marginalize or dehumanize this virus. 🦠 COVID-19 doesn't care who you are or how much money you have. 🦠 It doesn't care how old you are, what...

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An Invitation to Slow Down

An Invitation to Slow Down

At the end of February, I remember looking at my husband after a mind-numbingly exhausting weekend of volleyball for one daughter, basketball for the other, basketball and meetings for him, and my head on a swivel and I said, "I simply can't help but wonder if all of...

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Our Americanness Is Showing

Our Americanness Is Showing

Observation: our American-ness is showing right now. And it's kind of gross. We have people stockpiling supplies for the end of days, not giving a shit about people in the community who might actually NEED those supplies (aka first responders, hospitals and doctor's...

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A Beautiful Relationship With EXPLORE, My 2019 Word of the Year

A Beautiful Relationship With EXPLORE, My 2019 Word of the Year

Last December, I was saying goodbye to my 2018 word of the year (enrich) and reflecting on what I wanted my 2019 word to be. I can't remember whether or not 2019's word came to me easily, but I can tell you that it is has become one of my favorite words of the past...

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This Is Important, And I Need Your Help

This Is Important, And I Need Your Help

Will You Partner With Me To Be the Change Our Kids Need in 2020? One of the things that keeps me up at night is the social, emotional, and psychological abuse that our kids experience at the hands of other kids. What I am about to say is really important and I am...

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Creativity is NOT a Four-Letter Word

Creativity is NOT a Four-Letter Word

When I mention creativity and art around people, I get a lot of strong reactions with anxiety and fear topping the list. There are also people who vehemently did in their heels and proclaim that THEY ARE NOT CREATIVE—never have been, never will be. Now, I know I am...

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I Can No Longer Afford NOT To (And Neither Can You)

I Can No Longer Afford NOT To (And Neither Can You)

I had a conference call today with someone because I am struggling to effectively implement some important back-end systems in my business. Within the first 15 minutes of our call, she blew me away! Know why? Because her presentation highlighted all the things that I...

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The Reason People Freak Out When Change Is On the Horizon

The Reason People Freak Out When Change Is On the Horizon

Does your child throw a monumental tantrum when you try to get them to shift gears? Have coworkers and confidantes ever thrown out one of your inspired ideas before you have even had a chance to market it? Have you ever wanted to make a positive life change, only to...

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Mindset Before Money

Mindset Before Money

Have you ever invested time and money in something but didn't get the results you desired? Maybe you signed up for a weight loss program, but you didn't lose any weight. Or you hired a professional coach, and after your contract was up you still felt stuck. You...

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Get Comfortable With Uncomfortable Silences

Get Comfortable With Uncomfortable Silences

If you are a parent, a business owner, if you work with clients 1:1, if you are married or have a are going to want to pay attention to this blog post: there is GOLD in here! I am going to give you one tip that can lead to better communication, better...

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